June 09, 2010

Peak Oil in NYTimes

You know Peak Oil is reaching some sort of public recognition when it shows up in the New York Times. Seriously, the amount of press the issue is getting these days is unreal. I guess the BP oil spill is part of the reason.

The article goes into what some people are doing to prepare, how the issue can affect some people more than others, importance of community, etc.

“Our whole economy depends on greater and greater energy supplies, and that just isn’t possible,” he said. “I wish I could say we’ll quietly accept having many millions of people unemployed, their homes foreclosed. But it’s hard to see the whole country transitioning to a low-energy future without people becoming angry. There’s going to be quite a bit of social turmoil on the way down.”

Links in the article: TransitionUS, Peak Moment TV, Post Peak Living.

“It’s very difficult for people to hear that this form of the economy is breaking down,” he said. “They think that because it hasn’t happened yet that it won’t ever happen.”

Read the full article.

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