June 13, 2010

The secret Powers of Time

This is a great video about how our perception of time affects us - our well being, our health, our values. It also shows how entire societies are collectively shaped by their perception of time. Worth watching just for the animation too...

http://wimp.com/secretpowers/ [10 min]

It reminds me of the Slow Movement which began in Italy around food. I once read a book called "In Praise of Slow" and one of its conclusions was people who 'stop to smell the roses' live happier lives than those who race against time.

It turns out that the above video is from a great website similar to TED, called The RSA:
For over 250 years the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) has been a cradle of enlightenment thinking and a force for social progress. Our approach is multi-disciplinary, politically independent and combines cutting edge research and policy development with practical action.

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