August 06, 2011

What a way to go... movie

Well this is the first post in a while. I'm going to try to get back to posting weekly after a long break. A lot has happened in the past 6 months! The world is going to crap at an accelerating pace, (drought, natural disasters, a massive nuclear disaster, economic crisis in the US and EU, but on the positive side, I am now a dad!

Being a father is something else. It puts everything in a new perspective. I can't help wondering how screwed up the world will be when he's 20. Take this documentary, What a Way to Go. It's one man's story of how he learned about Peak Oil and Climate Change.  It's 2 hours but worth watching.


Pamela said...

Being a parent really does have an effect on us. :)

My kids are 16 and 20. The eldest, into food security to such an extent that she wants to make it her career, told me that her kids will be named for food: Kale and Sage. We had a good chuckle over this, but it had the effect of making me realize that one day I will be a grandparent.

Now, when I buy anything, I ask myself if I will be able to hand the object down to Kale and Sage. Will the object end up in the landfill? Will the production of it pollute their world?

There are times when I want something and if it was just me, maybe I would be tempted. Just as when I was pregnant, I didn't drink alcohol because I felt I had a responsibility to provide a healthy growing environment for Dweezil and Moon Unit (prebirth names), I feel the same responsibility to my grandchildren and great grandchildren who are not even a glimmer in anyone's eyes.

I look forward to learning from you!

Ron said...

Thanks for the comment Pamela! I've been learning from you too. Love the prebirth names!